Rosewood Care Home, 131a Swift Road, Woolston, Southampton, Hampshire, SO19 9ES    Tel. 023 8068 5224
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ROSEWOOD is registered as a care home without nursing and is regularly inspected by the authorities. Our commitment to improving the range and level of services for the service users will continue. We welcome suggestions as to how we can improve still further and have questionnaires available.

CARE PLANS are individual agreed plans of care completed from assessments with the resident and their key worker. Each persons plan includes a description of their preferred daily routine, likes and dislikes, needs, specific dietary requirements and any other information that we need to be aware of. The information gathered includes preferences in respect of how they wish to be addressed, any religious and cultural needs and that the core values are used at all times.

Care plans also include risk assessments, medical needs, G.P. and any community requirements.

KEY WORKERS are allocated to each resident and are responsible for monitoring, reviewing and co-ordinating the service users’ plan which are updated at least monthly.

TERMS & CONDITIONS on arrival to the home residents are issued with an agreement of residence which needs to be completed by either by the resident or their representative. A full copy is available for viewing.

The daily care programme is organised as a response to residents’s individual and combined needs.

All staff receives regular training in food & hygiene, fire safety, first aid, health & safety, infection control, medication and many other courses available throughout their career.

The majority of staff have either achieved in the process of completing NVQ2/3.

Residential fees are from £1020 per week.
Day care is also available, please contact us for rates.

PROPRIETOR: Ms. Ellie Hill

MANAGER: Miss Nicole Summers

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